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The Premiere Karate Tournament on the West Coast, 11 th annual SATO cup2009 karate tournament held in February 7, 2009.

For more info visit their official website

19th World Senior Karate championships in Tokyo, Japan.

For more info visit their official website link World senior karate championship

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Karate terminology

Karate katas download

Karate bunkai and fight techncis download

Karat fight videos, Karate Screensaver and useful pdf file

Vital points

Karate kumite rules and regulation

Watch kata and bunkai videos in online:
All shito ryu katas

karate do - Self defence videos

Karate do is a Japanese word, which means "Empty - hand - ways". It is a self defense art, using hands without any weapons. Karate have the practices namely Punch,Blocks, Attacks, Kicks, Kata, Fight etc. Punch, Blocks, Attacks, Kicks are basic movements. Advanced technics are based upon these basic movements. The practices develop our Courage, Self confidence, Leadership and virtue etc. While practicing karate we can learn warm up exercises also. It will give good health, body fitness, stamina, power, speed and keep us from desease. Karate is taught as a combat sports in every karate schools. The karate student is called by "KARATEKA". This word is derived from Japanese.

Kata: Kata is a group of technics which has nearly 20 movements. These movements have defense and offense technics. Katas are most important aspects in karate. It is also like a grammer in karate. This training develops our body strength, attention of mind and correct posture. Kata follows different movements which depends upon their own style of karate schools Each karataka should follow these kata
movements with full attention, power, speed and stanza correctness. This kata is coached in two methods in karate schools. One is test kata. Another is additional kata.

Fight: The fight is called kumite or sparring. Karate has three types of fight methodology.

1. Street fight
2. Sports fight
3. Group fight

Street fight: From this kinds of fight we can protect ourself from publics (those don't know karate) how to attack, block, catching, breaking, locking, reaping throwing.... and also how to release ourself from the opponent. Ippon kumite technics is practiced by this fight methodology.

Sports fight: Sports fight is a fight between karate students. They have to use proper technics like punch, kicks, blocks, attacks, sports fight technics.... And the best students will get the prize. The fight will be sportive and the rules and regulations are followed in fight.Only it is practiced as sports motive.

Group fight: More than one person fight with the single, both technics mentioned above can be also used.

History of karate

Karate is an "Empty hand ways". First it was called "chinease hand". It was founded by Bodhidharma who went China from India to preach zen budhism during 5th century. In order to search food sometimes man fought with others. In this situation it was happened to get wound at weak points. Sometimes it lead man to death. Upon this strategy Bodhidharma found some self defence technics. He introduced 18 excercises to his monks, Because he felt that they were physically weak. He also taught some self defence technics to them. For the self defence, Some of the military leaders and politicians also learned this technics from Bodhidharma.Step by step iit was molded as a fighting system. When Japan and China trade relationship, a few chinease went Japan. These chinease, those who know about this fighting system introduced it to Japanease in okinawa in Ryu kyu islands. In 1392 a group of 36 Chinease familiese shifted to Japan for cultural exchange. These, they taught fighting technics and local technics also added to it. After some days okinawa followed separate technics in this fighting system. That time, It was called "te" and "to-te" and then it termed as karate. "Te" means "hands", "to-te" means "chinease hand", "karate" means "empty hand ways". Karate got considerable dignity in this place like Naha-te, shuri-te, tomari-te. These villages followed their own style with new rules and taught katas and fight. Ankoh azato(1827-1906) and Ankoh itosu(1831-1915) did well the styles of Naha-te and Shuri-te. In the school of Ankoh azato and Ankoh itosu, the top expert practisonar like Gichin funakoshi, Kenwa mabuni, Cochin motobu, Kanbun uchi. Ankoh itosu is the father of modern karate. He only found the terms like "hian" or "pinan". Gichin funakoshi joined with Ankoh itosu and some top students started the karate club by the name of "Shotokan". Gichin funakoshi lived in the period 1868-1957. In 1949, Japan karate association was started Gichin funakoshi was the Chief instructor in this association. Then color belts system was also introduced. Finally the art spread all over the world. Every country follow separate style because of their addition local technics. When gichin funakoshi was developing karate, Chojun miagi introduced Goju-ryu style, kanbun uchi introduced uchi ryu style, Kenwa mabuni introduced Shito-ryu style. It is notable one. After that, also it was spread all over the world.

Karate kick - Spinning hook kick

Karate kick - Mawashigeri

SILAMBAM is a traditional stick martial art from South India. It is practiced in more than five countries. It has developed as a martial arts by tamilans of India. Now The SILAMBAM art training is given in India, Malaysia, Netherland and few other countries.
Here is a SILAMBAM form video, name "8veedu 16 konam".

glossary of karate terminology:

Way of karate - Karate do
Bow - Rei
Training - centre Dojo
Karate student - Karateka
Junior - Kohai
Senior - Sempai
Teacher - Sensei
Ready - Yoi
Start - Hajime
Stop - Yame
Karate dress - Gi
Rank - Kyu
Belt - Obi
Stanza - Dachi
Normal stance - Heiko dachi
Horse stance - Kiba dachi
Back leaning stance - Zengutsu dachi
Cat stance - Neckochi dachi
Keep each foot in 45° inside - Uchihachi dachi
Strike - Uchi
Middle ponch - Chudan tsuki
Upper ponch - jodan tsuki
Lower ponch - gedan tsuki
Outer middle block - Chudan soto uke
Inner Middle block - Chudan uchi uke
Back fist attack - Uraken
Strike by finger - Nukite
Attack by edge of hand - Shuto
Groin kick - Kinteki geri
Freind kick - Mae geri
Knee kick - Kanzetsu geri
Roundouse - Mawashi geri
Side kick - Yoko geri
Back kick - Usihro geri
Jumping kick - Tobi geri
Fight - Kumite
Free style fight - Jiyu kumite
Hand technics - Te waza
Leg technics - Ashi waza
Red - Aka
White - Shiro
Breaking - Tameshiwari
Affense and defense forms - Kata

One - Ichi
Two - Ni
Three - San
Four - Shi
Five - Go
Six - Roku
Seven - Shichi
Eight - Hachi
Nine - Ku
Ten - Ju

Karate Competetion

Karate kumite competition is taken by Referee, Judges, Arbitrator, Scorer and Time keeper. The Referee has the main role in the competition. He will give points in gestures and japanease language. I have given some important gestures with explanations to show the karatekas. The place in which kumite competition take place is Bout. Bout is in 8 Square meters. The safety area 2 meter, is also made around the bout. Kumite participants are divided into two groups namely Aka and Shiro. Thease groups will be in 1.5 meter away from the Bout center point. Referee will stand 2 meter away from center point. Red belt will be given to Aka and White belt will be given to Shiro. Aka will be in right side to the referee and Shiro will be in left side.

To understand Karate Referee gestures - Visit

Hironori Otsuka(1892 - 1982) - Founder of Wado ryu karate

Hironori otsuka was born at lbaraki, Shimodate in japan in the year 1892. His father's name was DR.Tohujiro. He had four children. Otsuka was second child in his family. Hironori otsuka started Jujutsu art with Chojiro ebashi who was his relation. Inspite of his interest, In 1897, his father lead him to the school by the name Shindo yoshin ryu jujutsu. He learned jujutsu from the grand master Shinza buro nakayama in Shindo yoshin ryu jujutsu. In between 1910 to 1917, he studied many forms of jujutsu through wazado university. In 1922, Funakoshi demonstrated several technics in "Funakoshi karate event" which was held in tokyo. This demonstration made a vital role. It was attracted by Otsuka. So that he started learning karate from him. At his age of 30, he was appointed as an assistant instructor in Funakoshi dojo. Then became the member of Japan martial arts federation. Then he divided from funakoshi and started school by name wado. This school became very famous in japan. In the year 1964, 3 of his seniors students namely Toru Arakawa, Tatsuo Suzuki, Hajime Takashima took this wado art to western countries. By thease students, many wado schools were founded. After that this arts spreaded to many countries. Otsuka continued and teaching wado in japan. Otsuka got his 10th dan black belt(Meijin) from royal family's Higashi No Kuni no Miya, President of the Kokusai Budo Renmei (International Martial Arts Federation). The great legend died in january 29, 1982.

Kenwa mabuni(1889 - 1952) - Founder of Shito ryu karate

Kenwa mabuni was born on november 14, 1889 at okinawa, shuri in japan. Kenwa mabuni was descendant of the famous onikusukuni samurai family. To improve his week body, he joined under the legend master ankoh itosu acadamy and started to learn the art of shuri-te at the age 13. He learned this art with so much interest. After seeing this interest, his close friend Chojun Miyagi introduced him to master Higaonna kanryo who teach the art of naha-te. Kenwa mabuni became expert in this art also. Also he studied from Seisho aragaki and some instructors. He introduced new style of karate namely Shito ryu at 1915. In 1918, Kenwa mabuni was important respected master in martial arts field. Then he worked as a police man after complete his higher studies. In 1929, he shifted to osaka permanently an became full time karate instructor. His style originally called Hanko ryu or "Half hard style". He published so many books about the developing style Shito ryu. Then he teached the developed art to police mans. It was teached in schools and colleges after the second world war, with redeveloped karate. Then his new kind of martial art spread all over the japan. The great master died on may 23, 1952.

Chojun Miyagi(1888 - 1953) - Founder of Goju ryu karate

Chojun Miyagi was born on april 25, 1883 at naha in okinawa in a wealthy family. He started to learn the art of naha-te at the age of 11 from master Ryuko Aragaki. Then he joined with the master Kanryo Higashionna at the age of 14 and learned the art naha-te with full skill. After the master Kanryo Higashionna past away at 1915, he was gone to fukein province at china. There he learned a branch of chinease boxing the shaolin forms. After few months he returned to his native place started teaching karate to locals from his home. He taught to the police personal the same art naha-te at police acadamy. He sacrifies his own life for this art. In 1929 at okinawa in mainland japan he taight the above art the name Goju ryu. It means "Hard - soft style". For fullfil his dream he travelled so many times to mainland. The imperial Kyoto University, Kansai University and Ritsumei Kan University invited the great master to teach the art. Master Chojun Miyagi worked hard to spread karate in japan. In 1933, Dai nippon Butokukai had recognized the art of karate do. Then the master appointed as a head the branch of okinawa. He invented the form Kata Tensho, Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni in 1940. He died on oct 8, 1953 at okinawa. He was a man of extreamly peace loving and humble.

Vital points

There are some important vital points in human body. Karate katas are made by keeping this as center point. Each an every karate students should know about these. I have given some basic vital points below.


1. Base of skull: If there is trauma to the head, head ache disorentation or unconsciousness will occur. Sometimes, during head trauma brain shake or fracture spine will occur.

2. Ear: If there is injury to the ear, pain and disorentation will occur. Also internal injury and loss of balance will occur.

3. Eyes : Eye sight will affecter ot it will cause blindness.

4. Temporal: It is very important point. If there is injury to the temporal, disorentation and unconsciousness will occur.

5. Side of nose: If there is injury to side of nose, bleeding will occur or fracture nasal bone.

6.Under the ear: If there is injury to under the ear, It will cause severe pain.

7. Under the nose: If there is injury to under the nose, pain and distration will occur or fractures.

8. Jaw: It will lead to Fracture jaw.

9. Clavicle: It will lead to fracture clavicle.

10. Throat: If there is heavy injury to the trachea, death will happen.

11. Solar plexus: If there is injury to the solar plexus, internal organs damage and unconsciousness will occur or it will cause death.

12. Wrist: It will cause fracture or untolerable pain.

13. Elbow joint: Heavy injury will occur.

14. Groin: If there is injury to the groin, Reproductive organs will damage or it will cause unconsciousness or death.

15. Inner thigh: It will cause muscular gramping and numbness.

16. Knee: Fracture or dislocated bone will happen.

17. Side of ribs: If there is injury in between 5th and 6th ribs bone, loss of lung function will occur or breathlessness.

18. Kidney: It will cause internal injury or death.

19. Back of the neck(Fourth cervical vertibra): It will cause paralysis or fracture. Sometimes, death will happen.

20. Back of the knee: It will cause bend the knee or dislocated bone.

Note: Severe complecations may also occur more than the above set. So, You have to be careful about these points.

My own nunchaku katas and leg stretch video
These videos are for entertainment purpose only.

Leg stretch practise for mawashi geri, yoko geri and other kicks

Nunchaku basics form