History of karate
Karate is an "Empty hand ways". First it was called "chinease hand". It was founded by Bodhidharma who went China from India to preach zen budhism during 5th century. In order to search food sometimes man fought with others. In this situation it was happened to get wound at weak points. Sometimes it lead man to death. Upon this strategy Bodhidharma found some self defence technics. He introduced 18 excercises to his monks, Because he felt that they were physically weak. He also taught some self defence technics to them. For the self defence, Some of the military leaders and politicians also learned this technics from Bodhidharma.Step by step iit was molded as a fighting system. When Japan and China trade relationship, a few chinease went Japan. These chinease, those who know about this fighting system introduced it to Japanease in okinawa in Ryu kyu islands. In 1392 a group of 36 Chinease familiese shifted to Japan for cultural exchange. These, they taught fighting technics and local technics also added to it. After some days okinawa followed separate technics in this fighting system. That time, It was called "te" and "to-te" and then it termed as karate. "Te" means "hands", "to-te" means "chinease hand", "karate" means "empty hand ways". Karate got considerable dignity in this place like Naha-te, shuri-te, tomari-te. These villages followed their own style with new rules and taught katas and fight. Ankoh azato(1827-1906) and Ankoh itosu(1831-1915) did well the styles of Naha-te and Shuri-te. In the school of Ankoh azato and Ankoh itosu, the top expert practisonar like Gichin funakoshi, Kenwa mabuni, Cochin motobu, Kanbun uchi. Ankoh itosu is the father of modern karate. He only found the terms like "hian" or "pinan". Gichin funakoshi joined with Ankoh itosu and some top students started the karate club by the name of "Shotokan". Gichin funakoshi lived in the period 1868-1957. In 1949, Japan karate association was started Gichin funakoshi was the Chief instructor in this association. Then color belts system was also introduced. Finally the art spread all over the world. Every country follow separate style because of their addition local technics. When gichin funakoshi was developing karate, Chojun miagi introduced Goju-ryu style, kanbun uchi introduced uchi ryu style, Kenwa mabuni introduced Shito-ryu style. It is notable one. After that, also it was spread all over the world.